Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday: Proteins (and some fat)

Post-homecoming catch up in 3rd period today: Built lipids and tomorrow we'll build proteins.

Everyone else finished building proteins - have your worksheet complete for tomorrow to go over the answers!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday: Building Lipids, Looking at Next Week

While several classes were able to build lipids yesterday, other classes ran out of time.  As a result, some of you will be building lipids Monday, others will be building proteins on Monday, and everyone will follow up with going through the whole packet!

I KNOW this is a lot of information to process.  These macromolecules are the building blocks of life.  They are what you eat.  They are your source of energy and building blocks of you!

Carbohydrates: subunit is a Single Sugar.  Think: Sugars, Starch, Cellulose
Lipids: subunit usually Fatty Acid.  Think: Cell membranes, cholesterol, steroids, oil, wax!
Proteins: subunit is Amino Acid

READ about macromolecules in your textbook: page 44-48.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday's Activity

Today we started our adventure into macromolecules with carbohydrates.

DUE FRIDAY: The homework for tonight is to complete the first page, front and back.  Even if you did not complete the modeling of disaccharides or starch, you are responsible for answering the questions.

Tomorrow we build lipids - and hopefully start to notice some trends!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday: Chemistry of Life, 2.2 For Thursday

Today we went through section 2.1, Atoms, Ions, and Molecules.  The handout has the vocabulary and key ideas you need to remember about introductory chemistry.  Please make sure you UNDERSTAND the concepts covered.

Tonight the homework is to complete 2.2 Properties of Water, Due Thursday.  This will be the base for our lab exercise tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will start looking at the exciting world of macromolecules!  Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids, oh my!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday: What is Life?

Make sure that you can list and understand the 4 "characteristics of life" from today!

For tomorrow: Peruse 36-43 - Chemistry of Life.

Test NEXT WEEK. More info to come!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Reading for Tuesday, 9/23

Homework for Tuesday: Read pages 4-6, 7-11 and take Cornell style notes:
  • Title your page (and put it in the table of contents!)
  • Draw a line down the page, approximately 1/3rd of the way over.
  • LEFT SIDE (1/3rd of page): Write the TERM or TOPIC
  • RIGHT SIDE (2/3rds of page): Write the corresponding definition, draw diagrams, etc.
  • Approximately 4 lines up from the bottom, draw a horizontal line. Under this line write SUMMARY. This is where you summarize the reading in your own words.

Pages 4-6, focus on the vocabulary.

Pages 7-11, focus on the THEMES.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Fun & Homework

1st Period: Several students carried out their experiments today, and many need to collect data on Monday. It looks like we have some interesting results!

If you DID NOT do an experiment: You needed to have peer reviewed 2 lab procedures (on the peach sheet - WASL style).

If you DID the experiment: You should have the data table in your composition book, and write up a short data analysis. DUE TUESDAY.

2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th: WebQuest today, with the question responses due IN YOUR COMPOSITION BOOK, DUE MONDAY.

To finish the WebQuest:
  • go to,
  • High School/Science, WA state, GO.
  • Click on our book.
  • Activities (Purple Heading) -> WebQuests
  • You are following the WebQuest under Chapter 1: Bioethics.
  • Read the documents.
  • Answer the questions under "Resources and Responses"
  • Answer: 1, 3, 4 (for Placebo) OR 2, 3, 4 (for genetic information).
  • Write in your composition book.
  • Be prepared to discuss these topics on Monday.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Metric Madness!

Today we did a quick tour of the Metric System.  King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk!

(If you missed class for the field trip be sure to pick up the worksheet we did today.)

Typed Final Draft of Spot-Be-Gone
First Period: Have your supplies ready!
2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th: We're working in the "computer room": P-2 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Spot-Be-Gone: Due Friday

Today after voting for the Golden Procedure Award, students worked on their Spot-Be-Gone lab write-ups. Several finished today and many more are well on their way!

This was the only classtime we will spend on this project before it is due. If anyone still has questions about hypothesis (and I recommend you read the book for assistance too!) or would like their procedure checked over, I can do that before or after school on Thursday.

READING: Scientific Thinking and Processes

Your textbook does an excellent job of explaining some of the key vocabulary, such as hypothesis and variables. For more information, read pages 13-17.

HOWEVER: we're using the following:

MANIPULATED (not "independent")
RESPONDING (not "dependent")
CONSTANT VARIABLES (not "constant")

Spot Be Gone - DUE FRIDAY 9/19

This is a TYPED assignment.

You may complete this in pairs BUT remember that if only one student from the pair is absent the assignment is still due!

Spot Be Gone includes:

  • Experiment Title
  • Hypothesis
  • Variables identified: manipulated, responding, controlled (at least 2)
  • Complete Materials List
  • Clear Procedure, including validity measures and multiple tests for reliability
  • Experimental Control
  • Data Tables (should be left empty, do not make up data!)
  • Typed

September - Composition Book Table of Contents

Title/Topic and Page Numbers please!
  • Safety Map of the Room
  • Seating Chart
  • Flow Chart for Mello Jell-o
  • Answers to Mello Jell-o Observation Questions
  • Mello Jell-o Lab Write Up
  • Picture Drawing Procedure
updated 9/17

Curriculum Night

Thank you so much parents and guardians for coming out last night to Curriculum Night. It was great putting faces with names and meeting many of you. This blog is where I am going to post what we do for the day and assignments. Additionally, for you following along at home, there will be a running list of what should be in the composition notebook table of contents.

Please contact me with any questions!